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G R A I N  M E R C H A N T  C E R T I F I C A T I O N  P R O G R A M
| C O U R S E S |  A D V A N C E D  C O N T R A C T  S T U D I E S

A wide array of marketing contracts are available to farmers today ranging from the standard tried-and-true cash contracts to the more complex option-based strategies. This course takes you through an in-depth analysis of how these contracts are put together and what they mean to the farm marketing plan.

  • Understand the components of different marketing contracts, their levels of complexity and how they stack up.

  • Comparison of standard contracts from a farm marketing perspective. How basis fits into the marketing picture.

  • Study of options and their application to farm marketing.

  • How to explain contracts as you move through the marketing conversation.

  • 100% online
  • On Demand/start anytime
  • Available 24/7
  • 6 Modules - estimated completion <8 weeks

Fee:  $950 or $2,500/Full 3-Part Series
Special rates available for WCC Participants

Farm Marketing Essentials
Farm Marketing Communications
Advanced Contract Studies

This course should follow Farm Marketing Essentials
and Farm Marketing Communications.

Our mission is to enhance the well-being and success of agricultural businesses through world class education and management consulting.

© 2016 White Commercial Corporation