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G R A I N  M E R C H A N T  C E R T I F I C A T I O N  P R O G R A M
| C A R E E R  P A T H S |  G R A I N  A C C O U N T I N G  S P E C I A L I S T


The Grain Accounting Specialist career path is a focused study of accounting principles and practices as it specifically applies to a basis trading organization.

The goal of the path is to foster improved understanding and communication between the company’s accounting and merchandising teams.


Who Is a Certified Grain Accounting Specialist?

  • The “numbers person” who enjoys the responsibilities of accounting and is especially attuned to the mark-to-market practices unique to basis trading operations.
  • Conduit for fostering clear and effective communication between the accounting and merchandising sides of the business.
  • Strongly committed to insuring the accuracy and timeliness of the financial statements.



Mark-to-Market Grain Accounting is a crucial cornerstone in the building of a successful basis trading business. Knowing its principles is every bit as important as knowing when and how to buy and sell basis or how to set spreads. Enrolling in White Commercial’s Mark-to-Market Grain Accounting Course can be the difference between seeing your position and profitability clearly or having it obscured by uncertainty and error.

Chuck Kirk, Owner
Kirk Grain Company
Scott City, KS

C O U R S E S  O F  S T U D Y

Level I Two-Part Course

Mark-to-Market Accounting
for Grain Elevators

1 Elective Course

GMC Live Event

Our mission is to enhance the well-being and success of agricultural businesses through world class education and management consulting.

© 2016 White Commercial Corporation